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Friday, June 20, 2014


Welcome to DIY Psych!

You're probably wondering what this site is going to be about, and to be honest, I've got a lot of ideas, but along the way I'll need some input, some feedback, and some collaboration from readers. I think that the fundamentals of psychology are under appreciated, and I'm hoping this can be a place where we can discover those fundamentals in a fun way, and figure out what they mean for our everyday lives. Whether this means discussing groundbreaking studies of the past and how they are applicable in today's society, or debating or debunking current studies that may need a bit more evidence.

Nothing is off limits! If people want to discuss specific studies, concepts, have more detailed questions about the mechanics of research, we'll do it here. If you want a new take on the theories of a classic psychologist, we can do that too. At first there will be a pretty wide variety of content, feeling out what truly interests people and what they respond to, and then we'll focus it more narrowly based on public response.

If you are an expert on something, or would like to participate or contribute to the blog, by all means please contact me and we can set something up! Collaboration is encouraged!

In the beginning I'm going to do two posts a week, Mondays and Thursdays, with potential bonus posts as the mood strikes me :)

Any comments questions or feedback, please let me know below or head on over to my contact page!

Have a great weekend!


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